Baby's Nectar

Birth, Lactation, & Postpartum

Baby's Nectar offers support to parents navigating the primal world of birth, lactation, & postpartum in our modern society.

Luka Zigic, a lactation coach, holds a baby.
Luka Zigic, a lactation coach, holds a baby.
Luka Zigic, a lactation coach, holds a baby.

Why prepare for birth, postpartum, & lactation before baby is here?
Pre-natal education can make a massive impact on your experience. When preparing for childbirth learning about your rights, options, & developing advocacy skills can be transformative of the experience. The postpartum period can be a jarring time, full of new experiences, & immense growth for both you and baby. Navigating infant feeding (whether it be breastfeeding or pumping/bottles) can be challenging & overwhelming when you've just given birth & are adjusting to your new life. It's really helpful to begin preparation for this massive life shift before baby comes to help you adjust your expectations and understand your body during labour, birth, postpartum, and lactation.

Pre-natal education is a great way to bond with your partner as you gear up to welcome your babe home. It can help to open up some dialogue about things that are important to you both. Prenatal learning can help your partner understand their roll, how to be the best support to you, and how to be involved during labour/birth & the fourth trimester.

Upcoming Events & Classes

Feb 16
10:00 am
Evidence Based Birth 6 week series: FEB16 - MARCH23
Online & Omnia Manual Therapy
Apr 6
10:00 am
Evidence Based Birth 6 Week Series (April-May)

Self Paced Online Courses

"I had the pleasure of partaking in Luka's EBB class. Highly recommend to anyone who is expecting. The class prepares you so well for labour and delivery! She is also amazing at anything and everything lactation!" - Yulia


Fill out the form below to set up a free pre - consultation. Let's chat about how I can help you & your family prepare for birth & postpartum.

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