Evidence Based Birth Childbirth Class

Check home page for dates and registration.

Get mentorship, community, and guidance!

The Evidence Based Class is an interactive, 6-week birth class series presented in the flipped classroom model. It's an excellent option for those looking for the convenience of a self-paced course while also having one on one, in person mentorship.

How does the flipped classroom model work? You and your partner will receive a link to a portal where you gain access to all of the class content such as weekly video modules, the work book, as well as links to various articles, podcasts, and studies on almost any topic you can imagine (and so many other great extras to aide you on your learning)! Each week after you go through the assigned modules for the week, you and your partner will reflect on the information together while filling out corresponding sections of the work books. Once a week, we will meet (virtually the first five times & in person for the final class) to discuss what you've learned in an intimate group setting. You will gain insight from others on this journey, have a chance to share yours, and also have an opportunity to ask questions & gain mentorship. During the final in person class with me, we will practice comfort measures and run through a typical labour.

This course is inclusive to all folks & has a big focus on advocacy, informed decision making, and partner education & support. This course will allow you to safely, in a non-biased, low-pressure setting, learn about all of your option surrounding labour & birth procedures, new-born procedures, inductions, caesareans & explore the evidence on various controversial topics. When you're able to learn this way, you can ensure that YOU are in the driver’s seat of your journey, as you access the opportunity for truly informed decision making.

This class is an excellent choice for new and experienced parents looking to get better informed about physiological birth, advocacy, as well as options, risks & benefits procedures, and interventions.

This course is based off the most recent and up to date research available today. It is being updated constantly to reflect new studies, ensuring you are always getting access to the most acurate evidence backed information. Cost includes 3 months access to all of the course content, 8 hours of one-on-one time, & unlimited virtual support


  • week 1- orientation, learn about your hormones, stages of labour, and acquiring a birth ball
  • week 2- evidence based care, family centred care
  • week 3- support, evidence vs. opinion, comfort measures, advocacy,
  • week 4- comfort measures and advocacy cont.
  • week 5- interventions, inductions, caesareans
  • week 6- new-born procedures, bf/chest feeding, postpartum, comfort measures practice

Topics, I can support you with:

  • Troubleshooting supply concerns
  • How to get to off to the best possible start
  • Understanding what to expect
  • Partner Support
  • Education surrounding labour, birth, lactation, & postpartum
  • Planning and goal setting
  • Nursing strikessiness at the breast
  • Forceful let down
  • Baby popping on and off breast
  • Clogs and mastitis
  • Painful nursing, sore damaged nipples, sore body
  • Latching support
  • Returning to work
  • Bottle refusal
  • Referrals to other specialists & supports
  • Starting solids
  • weaning
  • &more!

If you have a breastfeeding concern and are wondering if/how I can help you, please reach out to discuss in detail via email OR book a FREE 15-minute meet and greet with me.